Текст песни The Ambassadors - Sometime In July

    The Ambassadors - Sometime In July
    Исполнитель The Ambassadors
    Дата 19 июнь
    Категория: Тексты песен
    Просмотров: 135

    Слова песни The Ambassadors - Sometime In July

    Somtime in July were in love
    But it was on November that we broke up
    I don't know what's the reason
    For which reason I don't want to know
    I don't know what's the reason
    For which reason I don't want to know..

    Somtime in July were in love
    But it was on November that we broke up
    I don't know what's the reason
    For which reason I don't want to know
    I don't know what's the reason
    For which reason why I let you go

    I used to give you flowers the time in July
    We used to be together on our lows and highs
    The pomises we've make the kiss and embrace
    Are faded to the past that it just can't last

    But still your love is wild in me
    Fool am I baby??..aahhh..
    For I will keep the memories till the end

    Though it's really hard
    Giving such a life
    Living without you reminds me of the time in July

    Cuz Do Do Do Do Do Pa Pa Ra Pa Do Do Do Wa..
    Do Do Do Do Do Pa Pa Ra Pa
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